The sound system determines the increase or fall of latex production. There area unit many things that has got to be thought-about within the fashionable sound system that's normally utilized in giant plantations, particularly the long sound system and therefore the short sound system.
Get to grasp the sound system in rubber production |
Long-term and short sound systems area unit terribly seldom found in community plantations. this can be thanks to the people's farmers not coming up with, however like a shot creating leads at that point. husbandman farmers usually assume that prices are a barrier in coming up with as a result of their capital capability is extremely restricted. to feature to the horizon of information regarding sound systems, here area unit some sound terms in define.
The sound groove is split into 3 forms, particularly S (spiral form groove), V (v form groove), and C (formless groove). The sound groove is formed from high left to bottom right. this can be done as a result of the latex vessels don't seem to be straight, however inclined from high right to bottom left so with this slope the most latex results are obtained.
The length of sound grooves will be expressed by the formula, among others S / one (one spiral), S / two (half spiral), V / two (half v), C / three (one third while not form), and so on. The length of the sound groove formula varies betting on the auditor.
There area unit 3 varieties of sound grooves, particularly twoS / 2 (two incisions with 0.5 spiral), twoV / 2 (two incisions with 0.5 v), and twoC / 2 (two incisions with no shape)
The sound amount is sometimes expressed in units of your time and dividing numbers ceaselessly. The time units area unit d (days), w (weeks), m (months), and y (years). If there's a sound system d / one, it suggests that sound each day, d / two suggests that sound once each 2 days, and so on.
With the foundations of the on top of terms a sound formula will be created like two V / two d / two (each tree is tapped or notched with 2 notches or half-shaped keratan once each 2 days), S / two d / four (each tree is tapped half-spiral each four days), and so on.
Another term that can't be separated from sound system activities is that the intensity of the sound. The intensity of sound 100% consistent with agreement is S / two d / two. This figure is obtained from the multiplication of sound system numbers with an element of four hundred. Determination of sound intensity can't be separated from the age of the plant or its life cycle and plant conditions. additionally, the tools used should be thought-about. as an example, sound bowls manufactured from plastic area unit low cost, light-weight, and don't have to be compelled to be washed. However, as a result of it doesn't have to be compelled to be washed, the latex can thicken the faucet bug.